Infection Control Procedures

CEREC Crowns Are Polished and Bonded in Place

CEREC Crowns Are Polished and Bonded in Place from Cosmetic & Family Dentistry of the North Shore in Swampscott, MARestoring a tooth surface with a crown used to be time-consuming, requiring multiple office visits. CEREC®, which stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics (or CERamic REConstruction) is a system that uses computer technology to design a custom-fitted crown that can be created, polished, and bonded in place on the same day.

How it works

All of the steps required to create a CEREC® crown are done in the office by the dentist and the assistants. Imaging, design, creation, and placement can all be accomplished in one visit.


First, detailed digital images of the teeth and jaw are taken. The system uses intraoral scanners and photographs to create precise, full-color, 3D computer models of the oral cavity. There is no need for impressions and trays, which patients often find messy and uncomfortable. Once complete, the information is instantly sent to the design computer for the next step.


On the computer, the dentist or technician can review the images and create a custom design for the patient, incorporating accurate details to ensure a proper fit. With this advanced software, it takes little time.


Next, the designs are used by the milling machine to precisely form the crown according to the exact specifications. The machine is able to create crowns using a wide variety of ceramic-based materials. Generally, the milling process takes only 15 minutes, and then the crown is ready for the furnace, where it is fired and glazed.


After the tooth surface has been prepped and shaped to accept the crown, all that is left is the placement. The crown is bonded to the tooth and touched up with a final polishing, and the procedure is complete.

What benefits CEREC® crowns provide

The ability to create and place a crown in one office visit is a clear advantage of using CEREC®, but there are other key factors to consider.

Appearance and durability

Having a crown made entirely of ceramic materials means the restoration looks natural. There is no chance of metals showing through the restoration surface because none are used in the manufacturing. In addition, ceramic materials are durable. They resist abrasion and, when properly cared for, can last for several decades.

Patient comfort and convenience

Having a dental procedure is usually not on anyone's favorite to-do list, so being able to reduce the time spent in the office and provide a more comfortable experience is appealing. CEREC® crowns also eliminate the need for a temporary crown to be placed while the patient waits for the permanent one to be manufactured.

Quality control

Traditionally, molded impressions have to be sent to an outside lab to create the crown. Keeping the entire process in-house means the dentist has full quality control and can maintain consistent hygiene throughout the procedure.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: CEREC Dentist in Swampscott, MA

Save time with same-day restoration

It is easier than ever to restore teeth to better health and function using CEREC® crowns. Convenience, durability, and quality combine to create an optimal patient experience.

Request an appointment or call Cosmetic & Family Dentistry of the North Shore at 781-443-8268 for an appointment in our Swampscott office.

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