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5 Tips on How To Adjust to Life With Dentures

5 Tips on How To Adjust to Life With Dentures from Cosmetic & Family Dentistry of the North Shore in Swampscott, MADentures may completely transform the quality of life for someone who has been lacking teeth by giving them back both their smile and their self-esteem. Nonetheless, it may take some time and persistence for dentures to feel natural. Read on for some helpful tips for getting used to your new dentures.

5 Tips for adjusting to life with dentures

When several teeth need replacement, dentures are a commonly-used option. Dentures are a great solution for missing teeth, but getting used to them might take time. To make the adjustment to dentures as easy as possible, there are a few things to remember while eating, speaking, cleaning, and caring for your new teeth.

1. Give it time

After initially getting dentures, it is best to ease into eating by sticking to soft, easily chewed foods. This will help the gums get used to the dentures' new pressure and get the wearer used to the new sensation of having them in their mouth. After getting used to the dentures, one may start eating a wider variety of foods.

It may take some practice to eat well when wearing dentures. Eat soft foods that can easily be cut into little pieces at first. Avoid using the front teeth to bite down on food, and take enough time when chewing. One can progressively increase their intake of chewier foods over time.

2. Practice speaking

Pronunciation of certain words may change while using dentures, thus getting used to speaking with them may take some time. Wearers can practice reading out loud or conversing with themselves in front of a mirror to get used to speaking with their new dentures. They may also work on their communication skills by practicing with a friend or family member who will give honest feedback.

3. Use denture adhesive

Dentures can typically stay in place and feel more secure with denture adhesives. This might help prevent the dentures from any awkward movements when eating or talking. Dentists may advise patients on the optimal denture adhesive based on the patient's personal situation and denture type.

4. Cleanse dentures daily

Patients can ensure their dentures last longer and keep their mouths healthy if they clean and maintain their oral devices properly. Dentures require regular cleaning, either with a denture cleaning solution or with mild soap and water. Dentures can get damaged by applying too much pressure or using abrasive toothpaste. To protect the dentures from drying out, store them in a jar of water or denture cleaning solution when not in use.

5. Maintain frequent dental checkups

Regular dental checkups are still necessary, even if with dentures. Dentist visits are important for maintaining good oral health and ensuring that the dentures continue to fit properly. Dentures may last longer and perform better if wearers get them checked by a dentist regularly.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dentures in Swampscott, MA

The bottom line

While it may take some time to become used to your dentures, you may experience their many advantages with the right amount of care and attention. Feel free to discuss any issues or questions you have had regarding receiving and caring for dentures with your dentist. You can get used to your new smile with only a little time and effort.

Request an appointment or call Cosmetic & Family Dentistry of the North Shore at 781-443-8268 for an appointment in our Swampscott office.

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